воскресенье, 26 января 2020 г.


Data analytics refers to the process of examining, sorting, and modeling data with the goal of collecting useful information. It also provides engineers with mixing-dependent process parameters, such as distribution of solids or solutes, drop size, degree and duration of homogenization. As a member of the AEA Technology plc group of companies, Hyprotech draws upon a proven track record in the batch processing projects and innovative process modeling technology to clients in the pharmaceutical, agrochemical, fine and specialty chemicals industry. The use of our platform is free of charge. I agree to the Terms and Privacy Statement.

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About Us Contact Chemical Online. In order to deliver a better browsing experience, and for marketing purposes, we remember and store information about how you use the platform. Sign in with Google. We are pleased to be working with the industry leader in integrated process simulation software. VisiMix provides chemical engineers at all stages of development and production with a simulation tool that. The VisiMix products close the gaps between the understandings of the scale up process from lab to production, or scale down from production to lab in troubleshooting or improving processes.

The move vissimix considerable breadth to the range of process simulation tools that Hyprotech offers, which include packages for distillation columns, batch processes, heat exchangers and separations.

VisiMix has developed a simulation tool for mixing processes for chemical engineers —.

Hyprotech Adds VisiMix to its Process Design Software

VisiMix can be used for batch, semi-batch and continuous mixing in any industry where blending or batch reactions are important, such as fine chemical, basic chemical, agrochemical, cosmetics, biotechnology, food and pharmaceutical processes. There are different methods of data analytics, such as data mining, descriptive statistics, etc.

Significant part of this time and expenses are spent for selecting of mixing devices and regimes in reactors corresponding to requirements of the process. Chemical engineers, chemists and designers will now have access to the VisiMix software though Hyprotech's extensive sales network in the U.

Data analytics refers to the process of examining, sorting, and modeling data with the goal of collecting useful information. Geographically, the company is looking at U. VisiMix has developed a simulation tool for the chemical-mixing process that allows chemical engineers to get a better understanding of the mixing process and to verify it quickly and easily.

Professional Background Today in the chemical industry, there is a lot of money invested in investigation.

It also provides engineers with mixing-dependent vlsimix parameters, such as distribution of solids or solutes, drop size, degree and duration of homogenization.

VisiMix is also contemplating on developing the market knowledge of the influence of mixing on processes. A track record that spans over 30 years and includes the Separation Processes Service SPStechnical expertise and decision support for crystallization, filtration, drying, solvent extraction and other unit operations.

All Visimix Products

VisiMix software is based on a system of original physical models that combine general scientific knowledge. Company Profile Email Us. VisiMix has developed a simulation tool for mixing processes for chemical engineers — that provides the user the possible to understand better the mixing process and to verify in a quick and user friendly way, alternatives to improve the process or solve the problem.

These parameters include power consumption, circulation rates, local concentrations of solutes and suspended particles, drop size, and concentrations of reactants in chemical reactors. Established inVisiMix Ltd. Edited by Nick Basta For more information: Planned technical collaboration will exploit the synergy between VisiMix and Hyprotech's suite of batch processing products. It also provides engineers with mixing-dependent process parameters, such as distribution of solids or solutes.

Avi Tessler Performance Systems.

Leonid Braginskyauthor of 3 books and more than professional articles on mixing, heat and mass transferwith the support of the co-founders Dr. Please accept our terms of use in order to log in.

Home VisiMix - Mixing Simulation and Mixing Optimization Solutions for Chemical Processes

This means they are using the products, are happy with their results and many are expanding their use. Start-Up Nation Finder uses cookies on this website. Chemicals, depending on their characteristics, can be used viaimix clean, disinfect, eliminate pests, or perform various industrial processes.

Chemicals are substances that consist vsimix one or more distinct substances or compounds. VisiMix software is based on a system of original physical models that combine general scientific knowledge with experimentally obtained know-how related to mixing. The use of our platform is free of charge.

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